Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Things That Make Me Happy

*Being able to fit into my skinny jeans again.
If you’ve been following my Twitter stream, you’ll know that the Skinny Bitches undertook some drastic measures to lose some weight. Before you get all worried, it wasn’t anything like surgery or an eating disorder. Mostly because you know we have no money for liposuction. We decided we needed a little kick to get us motivated to really start eating healthy. So we decided to do the Royal Danish Hospital diet. If you’ve heard of it, you’ll know it’s pure protein and can make you lose up to 10 kgs. If you don’t know about it, it’ll basically put you off eggs, steak and carrots but at the end of the day you can wear your skinny jeans again. Which is exactly what happened to me. After 13 days of avoiding carbs, resisting all cravings and repeating “skinny bitch in the making” I finally weighed myself and found I was 5 kgs lighter which translates into fitting into my skinny jeans again! Hurrah!

*Cooking Again
After two weeks of bland steak and eggs, I couldn’t wait to start cooking again. And because of Mother’s Day yesterday I had the perfect excuse. I had to make a little something special for my momma (and myself of course) for all the stuff she does for me. So I opted for some butter chicken. I’ve made it before and loved it but this time I decided to go a little bit more extravagant and make a new version. There was also some garlic bread in lieu of naan bread. After dieting nothing tastes as good as home-cooked meal.

*Planning a Holiday
Nothing’s booked yet but there’s been lots of saving and getting bikini ready. Skinny Bitches will be hitting Thailand at the end of the year with some besties. Whoop Whoop!

Ex-Oh! Ex-Oh!
Image from here.